Pro-Homosexual Sprite Ad Depicts Family Members Helping Young People Dress in Drag, Bind Breasts

"Soda like Sprite has sugar, lots of salt and causes obesity and other health problems, and now uses profits from your purchases to promote the homosexual political cause, says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Adovocate.
Activist Mommy reports:
Yet another major international brand has kowtowed to the LGBT movement because apparently promoting "alternative lifestyles" is vitally important when selling soda pop.
Sprite, owned by Coca-Cola, ran an emotional LGBT-themed video on Argentina's social media channels last week, one day before Buenos Aires' Pride event. It's pretty apparent their goal is not to sell Sprite but to remain culturally relative and show everyone how "woke" they are as far too many companies do these days, often to their own detriment
The video uses the song "You'll Never Walk Alone" from the musical "Carousel" as a backdrop in an effort to tug on heartstrings and to highlight just how victimized the LGBT community claims to be. . While the touching song plays, the video shows family members tenderly supporting, and even helping, their gender-confused and homosexual loved ones prepare for the Pride event.
Hat tip to Free Republic
See the original post at Activist Mommy.