Drag Queens and Planned Parenthood Auction Off Pro-Lifers as Slaves?

Breitbart reports:
A left-wing activist group based in Spokane, Washington, organized a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood featuring drag queens, who held a "slave-style auction" of Christian pastors and activists who protest at Planned Parenthood clinics and Drag Queen Story Hour events.
A group that calls itself on Facebook Spokane United Against Religious Extremism & The Church at Planned Parenthood organized a Halloween event last week at a drag bar that featured drag queens mocking Christians with giant cardboard photos of area pastors and pro-family activists, the Christian Post reported Wednesday.
The drag queens reportedly "auctioned" off the Christian pastors and pro-family activists to the highest bidders to raise money for Planned Parenthood.
According to the report:
The event also took aim at local pastors who are frequently seen praying outside Planned Parenthood abortion facilities, according to Anna Bohach, founder of 500 Mom Strong, a nonprofit organization comprised of mothers who are "say[ing] no to the misogyny of Drag Queen Story Hour and the transgender movement that is taking over our culture," the group's Facebook page states.
Searching the social media pages of the drag performers, Bohach said she saw photos and video footage taken at the event that featured an auction in which the Christian leaders were mocked as part of a "slave-style" auction.
See the original post at Breitbart.
hat tip to Free Republic