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Public Advocate Featured by National Media Fighting For Families

Washington, DC-Public Advocate's national presence has continued to grow over the past months as the group's fight for family rights has earned media attention from coast to coast.

Most recently the group was featured on national radio shows like Family News In Focus and on news websites such as and for Public Advocate's fight to have the IRS investigate any gay activists who fraudulently file under a married status, if they have an illegitimate marriage, such as those that have been preformed in San Francisco, New York, and by other radical bureaucrats who wish to re-write laws unilaterally.

Last month Public Advocate volunteers were featured by news stations in Fredericksburg, Virginia for standing up against radical homosexuals who marched on the court house in pro-family central Virginia demanding that they be allowed to break the law and thousands of years of civilized culture by being granted marriage licenses so Virginians would be forced to recognize their immoral lifestyles.

Public Advocate volunteers also traveled to Boston in February to urge legislators to pass a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Public Advocate officials were interviewed by an international press corps at this event that included reporters, television and still photographers, and radio personalities.

Stories and pictures were seen from Atlanta, Georgia all the way North to New Hampshire.

Although not everyone agrees with the message of Public Advocate, one thing is unmistakable-it is becoming increasingly clear that Public Advocate is a leading voice for America's pro-family movement.