2020 Victory for Unborn, PP Defunded : Planned Parenthood Withdraws From Title X Program Over Trump Abortion Rule

Abortionists actually proved President Trump was right about the allegation that Planned Parenthood uses taxpayer dollars to kill babies. A simple request to assure that no taxpayer money is used in Title X federal funds brought the collapse of the entire money for death industry," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc.
NPR reported earlier this year:
Planned Parenthood is leaving the federal Title X family planning program rather than comply with new Trump administration rules regarding abortion counseling.
The new rules, issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services earlier this year, prohibit Title X grantees from providing or referring patients for abortion, except in cases of rape, incest or medical emergency.
"The Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood grantees out of Title X," said Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood's acting president, in a conference call Monday. "The impact of the Trump administration's gag rule will reverberate across the country."