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Dobson Defends Trump Against Fake "Christianity Today" Newspaper Editorial

Dr. James Dobson issued today the following statement, as a private citizen, to the Christian community:

"I have read a new editorial published by Christianity Today that promotes impeachment of President Donald Trump.

The editors didn't tell us who should take his place in the aftermath.

Maybe the magazine would prefer a president who is passionately pro-abortion, anti-family, hostile to the military, dispassionate toward Israel, supports a socialist form of government, promotes confiscatory taxation, opposes school choice, favors men in women's sports and boys in girl's locker rooms, promotes the entire LGBTQ agenda, opposes parental rights, and distrusts evangelicals and anyone who is not politically correct.

By the way, after Christianity Today has helped vacate the Oval Office, I hope they will tell us if their candidate to replace Mr. Trump will fight for religious liberty and the Bill of Rights? Give your readers a little more clarity on why President Trump should be turned out of office after being duly elected by 63 million voters? Is it really because he made a phone call that displeased you? There must be more to your argument than that.

While Christianity Today is making its case for impeachment, I hope the editors will now tell us who they support for president among the Democrat field. That should tell us the rest of the story," Dobson said.

Source: Christian News Wire