Public Advocate Wishes President Trump Merry Christmas 14,000 Times

Eugene Delgaudio wishes all supporters of Public Advocate Merry Christmas in an email
message on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2019:
Thank you for helping make our Christmas Card for Trump campaign so successful.
I am proud to report that over 14,000 Public Advocate supporters signed our custom-made Christmas card to the President and First Family and they have been delivered to the President and First Lady.
And last Wednesday, we got the chance to support our President on the streets of Washington, D.C.
Our volunteers braved the cold to return the mobs jeers and cursing with a comical Christmas carol called "The 12 Days of Impeachment."
This has been such a monumental year.
And there have been so many critical fights.
And thanks to your tireless support, Public Advocate has been right in the thick of every one of them.
I know your Christmas well-wishes will bring President Trump and his family comfort as they weather the attacks from the rabid Homosexual Lobby and the Mainstream Media.
So once again, thank you for your signed card and for all your hard work this year.
May the Lord bless your family and this time you get to spend with them during this sacred season.
End of Message.