Virginia Adds Funds To Jail Gun Owners This Year Ahead of New Laws

Breitbart News reports:
A report from the NRA-ILA says $250,000 in gun control funding has been added to Virginia's 2020 Budget Bill.
The NRA-ILA report notes, "Budget Bill HB30 includes an appropriation of a quarter million dollars to carry out a host of gun control measures that Northam and his anti-gun allies hope to enact."
The NRA-ILA links to the text of the Budget Bill, which says, "$250,000" has been added "for the estimated net increase in the operating cost of adult correctional facilities resulting from the enactment of sentencing legislation" arising from new gun controls.
The specific gun controls and the amount of operational cost spending forecast as a result of each is then listed:
photo credit: Governor Northam in KKK uniform or blackface per Daily Beast.