Governor Cuomo Killed Nana Airplane Banner Reported

New York beachgoers were greeted with what appears to be a grim anti-Cuomo banner in the sky Saturday.
"THE GOV KILLED NANA," read the banner carried on a propeller plane that flew across New York City and Long Island beaches, according to accounts on social media.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been widely criticized for his handling of the state-regulated nursing homes, where at least 6,447 New Yorkers died during the health crisis.
One Rockaway beachgoer told The Post the plane flew by around 4 p.m. as observers stopped to take pictures and applauded the message.
"The people were going crazy," the beachgoer said. "[Cuomo] is nothing but a liar, condescending and miserable person. His carelessness caused the death of a lot of people unnecessarily."