Public Advocate Cancels Event At 2021 Presidential Inauguration (updated)

Updated January 19, 2021: This previously planned event is cancelled due to current emergency in place January 20 in Washington, D.C. surrounding the Inauguration. ( PREVIOUSLY POSTED Dec. 19, 2020)
Public Advocate will not sponsor a news conference and event in Washington, D.C. on January 20, 2021. Volunteers will meet not at Union Station at 11 am as the group traditionally has done for 32 years.
"As noted Public Advocate cancels any announced plans for Wednesday, January 20 in the nation's capitol. Public Advocate stands with all Trump supporters in opposing a Joe Biden presidency. It was a stolen fraudelent election and we will not quietly accept this sham. However the violence by a few is equally wrong and Public Advocate condemns this violence directed against elected representatives for political reasons. This does not take away from our traditional public opposition to wrongful pulbic policy. Until the violence is investigated fully and fairly we recognize and support the extra measures taken to defend our nation's Capitol against any potential domestic or foreign threat and have ALWAYS cooperated with authorities on security issues for federal, city and state properties, government facilities and areas in the United States of America. We will refrain from adding to the legitimate concerns of law enforcement on Jan. 20 about reports of more attacks by not attending the Inauguration. This is a temporary but necessary halt for Public Advocate. " said Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc.
Public Advocate has a long history of protests, news conferences, speeches, poltical street theater productions in and around Washington, D.C. and sometimes on the road around the nation.
One of the long standing traditional campaigns is to show opposition or critical engagement of both Republican and Democratic presidents during their inauguration celebration as president.
PARTIAL LIST of Counter Inaugural Events Sponsored by Public Advocate
"No matter your party affiliation, it has been a long standing tradition for Public Advocate to stage creative policy differences to Presidents in both parties beginnning in 1989 with the Bush Administration", says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
"Public Advocate has sponsored 100 pro-Trump actions during his first term but we have also been critically active in the Supreme Court nomination process. We will treat who ever is sworn in on January 20 in a critical truthful fashion," said Delgaudio.
Delgaduio continued:
"Come on man, we have had Pirates for Election Integrity mocking Joe Biden stealing the election and more recently Rudy's Singing Reindeer so we will have something to announce if Biden is sworn in," says Delgaudio.
In 1989, Republicans like moderate George Bush I and then House GOP miniority leader Newt Gingrich supported Congressional pay raises. Public Advocate opposed the payraise in a series of widely covered daily events starting Inauguration Day and extending to February 6 with a giant protest against Congress inside Union Station. The Congressional Pay Raise was defeated by a roll call vote the following day.
In 1992, Public Advocate's giant banner "Protect Our Privates, Armed Forces Forever Straight" was featured on the front page of local newspapers on then President Bill Clinton Parade route from a spectator stand opposite the large contingent from Human Rights Campaign, on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Greeting President Obama in 2008, twenty five PA volunteers handed out special buttons supporting one man one woman marriage and interviewed hundreds of Obama Supporters. See video here:
Behind the Scenes of Public Advocate at the Obama Inauguration: