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U.S. Senate Votes 56 "Yea", 44 "Nay" To Violate Constitution and Impeach Private Citizen

"Just because they say it is Constitutional does not make it so. As with the options for discounting fake election returns spelled out in the U.S. Constitution, the Senate is on a pattern of ignoring the plain English words in the impeachment clauses and just voted to impeach a former President who is a private citizen," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Gateway Pundit reports:

After initial arguments from the House prosecution team and from President Donald Trump's attorneys, the US Senate voted 56 to 44 to proceed with the impeachment trial of private citizen Donald J. Trump.

Senate Democrats and six Republicans voted on Tuesday to move forward with the impeachment trial.

Republicans voting to join the Democrats in this unprecedented assault on our constitution:

** Ben Sasse
** Pat Toomey
** Susan Collins
** Lisa Murkowski
** Mitt Romney
** Bill Cassidy