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Disqus Kills David Horowitz In Hi-Tech Hate Crime Action

Peaceful David Horowitz is another innocent victim of the demonic strategy of Southern Poverty Law Center to use false reputational terrorism to kill and thereby silence politically their ideological opposition," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Frontpage reports:


"The relentless de-platforming of conservatives in general and of the David Horowitz Freedom Center specifically, continues.

On March 3rd the Editors at FrontPage received an email from Disqus, the networked community platform used by hundreds of thousands of sites all over the web. The statement reads:

It has come to our attention that your site is included in the Hate Groups listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Map:

As fostering Hate is a violation of the Disqus Terms of Service and Basic Rules, we can no longer support your site on the Disqus network. Disqus will be removed from your site on March 17th, to allow time for transition and a comment export. If you will need a manual export, please let us know before the removal date.

That was it. As of today, Disqus is de-platforming us. They have refused to respond to inquiries seeking further explanation. Disqus has taken on faith the libelous accusations of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a widely-discredited, partisan group that frequently characterizes mainstream conservative organizations as "hate groups."

.................we must remain vigilant and continue to fight the egregious leftist cancel culture that has overtaken our country. This is not our first battle in this war. In just the past couple of years, MasterCard temporality shut us down, one of our local banks closed our account due to our "controversial positions on issues," and a brokerage firm closed our account for "unknown reasons." Amazon will not allow the Freedom Center, a 501 c3 IRS designated nonprofit, to participate in their Amazon Smiles charity campaign because of the SPLC's designation of the Center has a "hate group" and now Disqus, the largest networked community platform on the Internet, has canceled our service. " (Unquote)