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Gov. Kristi Noem Performs Political Suicide, Vetoes Bill To save women in sports

Public Advocate calls the sell out of potential presidential candidate Kristi Noem "disgusting".

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate says "The bill to prevent the elimination of women in sports in South Dakota and previously embraced by Kristi Noem has now been vetoed by Govenor Noem. This veto is a disgusting betrayal of the hopes of women everywhere to reclaim women in sports and also ends her current unchallenged popularity for the presidency."

Breitbart reports:

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) returned a bill designed to prevent biological men from competing in biological women's sports back to her state legislature on Friday for changes.

Noem cited in a public letter changes she is requesting to the bill, specifying they are revisions of "style and form." The changes include removing collegiate athletics from the bill, thereby limiting its application to K-12 athletics, and modifying language about civil liability and performance-enhancing drugs.

The bill, House Bill 1217 titled "promote continued fairness in women's sports," had passed the South Dakota Senate on March 8. Upon its passage, Noem - whose name has been floated as a possible 2024 presidential contender after her hands-off approach to coronavirus in her state gained her prominence among the Republican Party - announced on social media she was "excited" to sign the bill.

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