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World Hears LMNOP Message To Defend Godly Teacher Removed For Profession of Faith

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio, speaking at an announcement ceremony in Ashburn, Virginia at the Loudoun County School Administration building main entrance at 12 noon Thursday June 3 said, in part:

"America must stand with the brave gym teacher, Tanner Cross, who stood for all Christians and was struck down for his faith. There is no time to lose and time is short but Christians and all who believe in religious liberty must peacefully respond to this disgusting and illegal action against a dedicated, decent and honest civil servant in Loudoun County, Virginia. We are all Tanner. I stand with Tanner and ask all Americans to stand with Tanner against religious persecution in America. I am immediately requesting through legal means specific internet records of 20 of the Loudoun County's top government officials. This may disclose important public trust issues shortly. " Delgaudio said.


FULL VIDEO, including full statement posted here

List of 20 Government Officials Asked to Reveal Internet Records

Last week at a public hearing of the School Board, Tanner Cross expressed his love of everyone no matter their situation and spoke of his own faith in God and his belief that Godly values must be respected. Most importantly Tanner Cross stated, as a practicing Christian, he would never refer a child to surgery knowing that there is only two genders, man and woman.

Delgaudio also said (in part):

"Public Advocate has filed substantial Freedom of Information Requests. This legal action is coincidental to the wrongful actions against Tanner Cross and is filed for other reasons (allegations of closed door secret meetings, threats against private citizens, opposing the Marxist inspired Critical Race Theory)."

On Wednesday June 1st, Public Advocate lawyers filed a FOIA ACTION to request certain online Internet Records of Twenty (20) Loudoun County elected or government officials. Delgaudio said "I ask that the School Board, the Board of Supervisors and other officials cooperate with this urgent public interest request."

The Twenty government or elected officials include: members of the Board of Supervisors, the commonwealth attorney, and Loudoun County School Board members Denise Corbo, Atoosa Reaser, Harris Mahedavi, Ian Serotkin, Leslee King, Jeff Morse, Beth Barts, Brenda Sheridan (Chairman)

Public Advocate is taking many other legal and peaceful actions in support of the many grass roots groups already leading locally in Loudoun County and urge all public policy groups, and legitimate news organizations to continue their reporting on events in Loudoun County, Virginia.