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Obscene Homosexual Pornographers Flood School Libraries with FILTH, Updated Bad Book Lists

Original Post October 21, 2021. Repost December 10 2021 (PIN)

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EUGENE DELGAUDIO, PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC ADVOCATE, condemned a "criminal conspiracy of obscene homosexual pornographers and their allies in a nationwide effort to corrupt America's children using taxpayer dollars in message to supporters.

Delgaudio said in part:

"Teaching an obscene version of the Homosexual Agenda to minors is criminal child abuse and I release my allegations of criminality to my supporters and America's prosecutors will recieve a copy of this evidence soon for investigation.


It is child abuse to take a 3-year-old to a "Drag Queen Story Hour" to hear sexually-explicit propaganda and "cuddle" with a potential child predator who may be grooming. It's child abuse to distribute pornography to students in high school.

It's child abuse to surgically or chemically alter a child's body in the name of making them "transgender." It's child abuse just to confuse a child so badly they hate their own biology.

North Carolina's Lieutenant Governor has become a figure almost as hated by the Radical Left as President Trump. Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson has committed the modern "crime" of condemning homosexual propaganda on camera.

"It's all filth," he said, and none of it -- absolutely none of it -- should be taught to any child. "It's flat-out child abuse" to teach a child homosexuality.

"The idea that our children should be taught about concepts of transgenderism or exposed to sexually-explicit content is abhorrent."

(Photo) North Carolina's Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson

Mark Robinson for NC

Mark Robinson for NC


"They're pushing these perverted agendas to try to teach our children that they're not really boys or girls, or they're shoving this homosexuality garbage down their throats."

........................Parents around the country are standing up to School Boards and demanding that the Homosexual Agenda and Gender Corruption Theory be removed from their child's curriculum.
It's all filth. It's all criminal child abuse.

Teachers, administrators, and School Board members who push pro-homosexual propoganda -- they are all guilty of child abuse," Delgaudio said.

Public Advocate has prepared a compiled list of filthy obscene evidence compiled from a variety of sources of evidence for parents to uncover and report to authorities in their respective states:



Link to larger list of 40 BAD BOOKS of Gender Corruption Theory Directed At Corrupting Very Young Children

WARNING: The following (TEN BOOK) list contains sick corrupt terms and is not appropriate for children.

Here are 10 books from a larger list of these pro-Gender Corruption Theory books that are in public schools at all the various grade levels........

Book #1

Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin This book is a disgusting promotion of Child PORN, with graphic descriptions of oral sex carried out by children as young as 6 years-old, The account goes on to describe pedophiles masturbating. Quote from Book: "From six up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighbourhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral. And I touched their you-know-whats. We were really young but that's what we did." In Loudoun County Schools book was bought for the children in June 2021:

Book #2

642 things to Write about by San Francisco Writers. Quote from book: "Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal. Write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom." Hudson, Ohio Mayor Craig Shubert told the school board "It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom." "I've spoken to a judge this evening. She's already confirmed that. So I'm going to give you a simple choice: You either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged." Video here:

Book #3

Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe This book illustrations of a man having sex with a boy. Quote from Book: "I can't wait to have your c**k in my mouth. I am going to give you the blowjob of your life, and then I want you inside me." Loudoun County School bought this book for the school in June 2021: In Fairfax, VA: WATCH School Board Squirms As Mom Reads Them The Gay Porn In Books Available To Students,

Book #4

It's Perfectly Normal. by Robie H. Harris and Michael Emberley This book is a Planned Parenthood's endorsed piece of garbage. It's disgusting, lacks accuracy/honesty and discusses anal, oral and vaginal sex with cartoon pictures. It also teaches about abortion. It makes it seem like it's normal behavior for children to have sex. Even stating this is a way you can show someone you care about them. Book should be called Grooming 101. This illustrated volume - part of a series called "The Family Library" - is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and written by a former member of Planned Parenthood's advisory board. It introduces kids to sexual intercourse, masturbation, homosexuality, and other delicate topics, all presented in a cheerful, upbeat way designed to engage children from ten years of age (it has found its way into classes of pupils younger than that).

Book #5

My Name is Jazz byJazz Jennings, this book is read in Elementary level, talks about how Jazz meets a doctor who asked lots and lots of questions. Afterward, the doctor spoke to her parents and she heard the word "transgender" for the very first time. In Bellingham, WA Public Schools: Jazz Jennings's book was read to first graders. The school, faced with backlash, says it's 'consistent with our values.'

Book #6

"Out of Darkness" by Ashley Hope P�rez . It includes very sexually suggestive material. Quote from book: "The boys among us had no trouble getting past the plain clothes and laying down plans. Take her out back, we boys figured, then: hand on the titties; put it in her coin box; put it in her cornhole; grab a hold of that braid; rub that calico." In Texas, a Mom reads anal sex from Junior High School book: Parents complain sexually suggestive books, like 'Out of Darkness,' on hand in Bastrop school libraries,

Book #7

Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison talks about sexual experience with 10 year old boys. In Fairfax, VA: Mother cries out after reading porn material from this book: (video) "These books are in stock and available in the libraries of Robinson, Langely, and Annandale High Schools!" Watch for these Books Promoting Pedophilia Found on the Shelves of a Public School Library And in TEXAS, mother says son found book about 4th graders' sex in school library: (Video)

Book #8

10,000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert. This book is used in Pre-K and talks about a boy who dreams about wearing dresses, book tries to normalize calling Bailey a "she." Bailey, what are you talking about? You're a boy. Boys don't wear dresses!" "But I don't feel like a boy," Bailey said

Book #9

"Pornography literacy" & "Healthy Sexuality Workshop," Sex Education by Justine Ang Fonte for K-12 curriculums. Recently Academics Rush To Defend Teacher Who Taught 'Pornography Literacy,' Showed First Graders Cartoon About Masturbation. Quote from Book: "It's OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel, but it's best to only do it in private," the narrator of the cartoon said. Fonte defended herself by saying that the class never used the actual word "masturbation," though the cartoon discussed how it feels good to touch one's genitals. "I equip them with a way that they can exercise body agency and consent, by knowing exactly what those parts are, what they are called, and how to take care of them," the former Dalton teacher told the Times. See here more on the New York City school who taught "pornography literacy" to high schoolers and showed first graders a cartoon about masturbation.

Book #10

Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg Used in Middle School has images showing child masturbating. Quote from book: "What are some ways you like to be touched?" At Baird Middle School in Ludlow, MA Teacher served 'harassment' charge for opposing sexually explicit books in middle school classrooms: and Letter signed by Parents and teachers concerning this book: More news here:

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Link to larger list of 40 BAD BOOKS of Gender Corruption Theory Directed At Corrupting Very Young Children