Public Advocate's Liberate Virginia Checkpoint Project Success in 2022

Eugene Delgaudio said to supporters in an email and onlone social media post on various platforms:
"Thank you for the support of thousands over the years in our frequent public events to liberate and reopen Virginia as reported widely many times online and in major national and regional news media reports during the crazy lockdowns.
Thank you to Attorney General William Barr for responding! Governor Ralph Northam, who thinks he is king, has over extended his powers and we are supporting this legal action to ask for corrective action to his overreach in closing churches," says Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate. #ReligiousLiberty Time to open the Churches as #CHRISTisEssential Check out our previous visit to Richmond, VA here:
Governor Ralph Northam is a terrible scurge or disaster as Governor and he borders on moronic behavior with last weeks abandonment of the major interstate route 95 for 2 days surrendering to a "sudden snow storm" that, elsewhere outside of Route 95, most navigated afterwards. Thousands of cars filled with passengers were trapped on the road and suffered without heat, food or movement to escape this false imprisonment caused by Governor Northam's lack of interest in sending help. Only a few in the news media questioned the lack of concern by Northam. This is exactly the kind of negligence that Public Advocate has been bringing the spotlight in Richmond, Washington and all of Virginia.
On January 15 a new Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General will take office in Virginia and the people of Virginia will finally be liberated from bad government, bad polices, vaccine mandates, forced gender corruption theory on children, and wrongful transgender surgeries without parent's permission or knowledge, " Delgaudio said.
Photo Credits: Screen Shots of Some of the Frequent News Coverage of Public Advocate protests against Northam and opposing his pro-transgender, lockdown, forced mandates, liberal policies.