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Wuhan Woke Poke Pens

Society is going woke, and people are being forced to take the poke! Stand for Religious Freedom!

Public Advocate mocked the vaccine mandates Friday conducting the 'Joe Biden Woke Poke Checkpoint' as a promotion and in support of the Sunday "Defeat the Mandate" March against the mandates in Washington.

Public Advocate feels there is a contradiction in President Biden's public position to promote vaccine mandates, mask requirements and other invasions of religious liberty while also rejecting voter IDs in election practices nationwide.

The Biden Woke Poke Checkpoint dressed President Joe Biden in a Let's Go Brandon T-shirt (of which he agreed to) and he stood in front of the Justice Department Friday, January 21, 2022. While standing there, Biden handed out free "Wuhan Woke Poke Pens" made in China.

Watch video of Woke Poke Checkpoint here

See Photos of event here

Listen to the Wokie Pokie Song here

Watch Public Advocate's Rapper "Lil Rey Rider" Defends religious freedom and free speech for all Americans

Purchase your Woke Poke Pen here at ShoptotheRight or here on Ebay

Contact us for bulk ordering discounts by emailing us at [email protected] put in the subject line: "Wuhan Woke Poke Pen" or give us a call at 703-845-1808.

For God and for the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc.

Contact us to order your "Wuhan Woke Poke Pen"

Phone 703-845-1808

Email: [email protected]

Permission Granted in advance to quote or use in whole.

#WuhanWokePoke #WokePoke #WokePokeCheckpoint