Lawmakers have listened to Public Advocate President, Eugene Delgaudio who pushed through the first Classroom Protection Act in Tennessee and then expanded efforts throughout the entire country. Public Advocate of the United States is conducting a national educational program which has resulted in new states advancing Classroom Protection Acts.
The Florida State House of Representatives passed the Classroom Protection Act by a vote of 69-47, and now it goes to the Florida Senate, where Public Advocate of the United States will be supporting both lawmakers and parents in the passage of this important bill.
The Classroom Protection Act, which Public Advocate helped pass in other parts of the country already, gives parents the authority to decide when and how to teach their children about sensitive topics regarding morality and sexual issues. Detractors of the bill wrongfully refer to the legislation as "don't say gay" when in fact, the Classroom Protection Act gives parents the authority to know what their early age children are being taught and by whom while simultaneously outlawing Mandatory Homosexualist Indoctrination (MHI).
"Parents have spoken, and today we are advancing the Classroom Protection Act in Florida," stated Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio.
In addition to protecting the right of parents to determine when and by whom sensitive topics are taught to their young children, the Classroom Protection Act creates equality for the LMNOP+ community and does not allow for special rights for so-called LGBTQ+ homosexual activists to commandeer the LMNOP+ community's right to choose how to raise their own children.
The Classroom Protection Act, now in Florida and expected to expand and pass through additional states, is backed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has signaled his support for the besieged parents in the LMNOP+ (Lifestyle of Mainstream Normal Ordinary People) community.
If Governor Ron DeSantis signs the Florida Classroom Protection Act into law (wrongfully called by homosexuals "don't say gay"), as he has said he will, it is possible that Governor Ron DeSantis will also become the first openly LMNOP+ Florida governor.
It is wrong for secretative and deceptive homosexual promoters and propagandists to enforce tyranny upon openly LMNOP+ parents and children and treat LMNOP+ values as taboo as an excuse to corrupt young minds with Mandatory Homosexualist Indoctrination (MHI).
Currently, there is a homosexualist movement to treat the LMNOP+ community an LMNOP+ issues with stigma and discrimination. The Florida Classroom Protection Act takes a big step advancing equality and in confronting the dark and troubling history of discrimination against openly LMNOP+ parents.
Public Advocate began passing Classroom Protection Acts across America many years ago and now the passage of Classroom Protection Acts in many more states is on the horizon.
The Classroom Protection Act which is now passing in states across America would never have happened if not for thousands of Public Advocate supporters and donors across America.
Leftist Tampa Bay Times reports:
Two hotly contested bills about race and gender lessons in Florida public schools took a step closer to becoming law on Thursday, as the Republican-dominated state House overwhelmingly approved the measures along largely partisan lines and sent them to the Senate.
Both pieces of legislation - commonly referred to as the "individual freedoms" (HB 7) and "don't say gay" (HB 1557) bills - have been widely lauded by conservatives across the state as a way to give parents more control over what their children are taught in school and what services they receive.