Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate responded to the vote to bar the homosexual lobby from the Texas Republican Convention:
"Thank you to the Texas Republican Party for standing up for traditional values and not allowing the homosexual lobby to recruit and groom familes attending the upcoming Republican Convention in Texas, and Thank you Texas Republican leaders for standing up under pressure from so-called conservatives with allies in the liberal media who want to sell out the party platform supporting traditional one man one woman marriage, " Delgaudio said.
The Log Cabin Republicans, an organization of gay conservative activists, have been denied a booth at the Texas GOP convention, which runs June 16-18.
The decision was apparently a close 4-3 vote of the Texas State Republican Executive Committee.
Fox Affiliate in Houston was critical (Fox 26) of the move and gushes over stomping all over one man one woman marriage platform.
Dallas Voice reported the details
"Log Cabin Republicans has once again been denied a booth of the Texas GOP Convention, according to a press release from Log Cabin Republicans of Fort Worth.
The decision came on a 4-3 vote. (note of the Texas Republican Executive Committee) Voting no were Matt Rinaldo, Susan Fountain, Mark Dunham and Terry Harper. Sean Cheben, Fernado Treviño and Cat Parks voted in favor of giving the LGBTQ group a booth at the convention."
PHOTO CREDIT TO UNSPLASH (Log Cabin is the name of the homosexual lobby in posting here)