Leftist Homosexual Antifa Hunts and assaults Conservative College Student

"Amazing that some so-called national and Texas conservatives support the homosexual lobby while it is assaulting Texas College students at the same time," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate
Most graduating college seniors in America are in high spirits this month as they prepare for cap-and-gown ceremonies and extended family celebrations. But for Kelly Neidert, a firebrand campus conservative and marketing major at the University of North Texas in Denton, commencement is no ordinary rite of passage filled with joy and laughter.
Having faced escalating threats and intimidation from a profane and godless student mob of intolerant liberals over the past two years, Kelly told me she is "hesitant" to receive her diploma on May 13. A woke vigilante, caught on security camera video, stalked her off-campus apartment and spraypainted the phrase "Stay home Nazi C--" on her door. After a Daily Beast hit piece against her and her conservative twin brother, "leftists started trying to go after my parents. One leftist twitter account posted a satellite image of my parent's house, while others tried to get them fired." A Change.org petition signed by more than 20,000 loons has called on the university to expel Kelly for her campus activism.
On Monday, Kelly was notified by Twitter that her account had been locked for violating "community standards" against violence and hatred. The only violence in her tweets was the violence and hatred of her enemies. "I had a TikTok dedicated to exposing what goes on at my university and that was banned at 65,000 followers." Meanwhile, leftist students and the local antifa cell will show up to events with instruments, airhorns, megaphones, etc., literally drowning out my speaking."
"If I do walk for graduation," Kelly told me, "I will require a private security team to ensure that I am safe."