Senator Manchin Suddenly Jumps into Disaster and Rescues Doomed Biden Socialism

"Senator Machin of West Virginia is voting to spend $740 billion in new spending and is rescuing Joe Biden from "defeat" while sacrificing himself and increasing America's failing economy now in recession. This is a betrayal of his voters and destroys chances of economic recovery and reversing the downward spiral," says Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia opened up about his reasons for cutting a deal now to revive the Democratic agenda. The party might lose one or both chambers of Congress in the November midterms, which would deal a fatal blow to their domestic ambitions for the final two years of President Joe Biden's term.
"In any other environment [than] what we have right now, this would be a bipartisan bill. I really believe that. This is the only vehicle I have to work with right now," Manchin told Politico on Wednesday. "We don't know what the future will bring. But all indications, might be a little bit of a shake-up. And that changes the dynamics of getting something done."
The conservative Democrat on Thursday claimed ownership of the $740 billion spending deal that was revealed in a stunning announcement a day earlier. Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer struck an agreement on a broad healthcare, climate, and tax package that was bigger than many Democrats thought possible only two weeks ago when prior negotiations apparently collapsed.