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Transgender School Board Member Accused of Looking at Topless Woman in Locker Room

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate condenms inaction over predator School Board member in Arizona in a nationwide message:

Delgaudio said: "An alledged predatory school board member in Arizona is exploiting the "transgender" loophole to violate women.

Paul Bixler is an elderly man who has decided to grow his hair out and start dressing in his dead wife's clothes.

He is currently on the Liberty Elementary School District board, in Phoenix, AZ and insisting that parents in the district call him a woman.

But the worst of it is, that he was just caught watching women undress at a local gym.

Lindsey Graham -- known on social media as Patriot Barbie -- turned around in the locker room of her gym, only to realize that Bixler was staring at her.

She was undressed from the waist up, and she was violated by this predator.

But when she called the police, they did nothing.

They didn't even prevent Bixler from going back into the locker rooms -- despite the possibility that there might be more women back there.

Lindsey Graham came to national attention when she challenged the school board over "transgender" policies.

She dressed up in a cat costume, and declared to the board that she was in fact, not a human woman but a cat.

She dared any of the board members to actually endorse the fiction that she was a cat.

It was satire of course; in the last couple months she's become a strong voice against the gender insanity.

She has even helped Public Advocate -- giving our Protect Children's Innocence Petition her full endorsement.

You can see a picture here of Bixler next to our Patriot Barbie," Delgaudio said.

Breitbart reports: (click on link to see entire report)

Paul Bixler, a transgender board member of the Liberty Elementary School District in Maricopa County, Arizona, has been accused of looking at a topless woman in a women's locker room at the gym, garnering outrage across social media.

"I am at the gym in Arizona. I was undressing in the locker room - top off, bra off. And Paul Bixler was in the women's locker room. And he looked at me and he looked at my breasts and I have called police," the woman, Lindsey Graham, said, noting that until recently, Bixler used the men's locker room.

Graham said she told police the situation - that a man was in the women's locker room and looked at her topless. She was visibly appalled by the response, as the police reportedly told her this is a "touchy sensitive issue in society."