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Chicago dad who opposed pornographic books in schools finds himself on flight watchlist amid airport nightmare

Bizpac Review reports:

A Chicago father discovered the hard way that he could no longer board a plane without having to endure substantially increased screening after he joined several parents during the summer of 2021 to speak out against sexually explicit and pornographic books found in his children's library in Downer Grove's school district.

Terry Newsome, a self-described "raised Democrat," and his family were trying to board a flight on Dec. 16, 2022, to Pheonix, Ariz., to attend Turning Point USA's "America Fest" convention, The Epoch Times reports.

According to the longtime Transportation Security Administration (TSA) pre-check-approved flier, when they arrived at the airport, they discovered they "couldn't check in electronically like we normally did."

Newsome was initially told that the FBI had placed him on a watchlist, only to learn on his flight home that it was the Department of Justice (DOJ) who requested that he be slapped with the restrictive classification.

Later still, the concerned parent discovered he had been hit with a Secondary Security Screening Selection (SSSS) designation, also known as the "quad-S."

If you think it's a hassle for you to get through airport security, try doing it with four "S"s hanging over your ticket.

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