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Keeping kids safe: Idaho parents take up all the seats at Drag Queen show in local library

Mass Resistance reports:

Most people have never seen a Drag Queen event for children. So several parents decided to attend the Marshall Library's Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) held on January 21.

What they saw was ghastly. It was an attempt to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism in the minds of very young children.

The next Drag Queen Story Hour took place February 11, 2023.

But as the event came closer, they had the idea to go into the meeting room early and take up all the seats! That way, they would prevent adults from taking children into the story hour.

It worked. All of our activists showed up half an hour early with Bibles in their hands. They were going to read the Bible through the whole event. The library director saw what was going on, and he said to our activists: "If you are not here to participate then you need to leave." None of our activists left. They reminded him that it was a publicly advertised event in a public place and he couldn't simply order them out. So he backed down.

As the event was about to begin, the director came back and asked some of the activists to give up their seats, so that the parents (?) with children in the lobby could come inside. Not one of our activists budged!

The Drag Queens read LGBT children's books and sang songs, as they had the month before. But they ended it early and left. The program lasted about thirty minutes.

In the end, the library staff seems to have gotten the message. Soon afterwards our Pocatello team noticed that a brazen display of pro-LGBT books that had been in the center of the library was removed.

Photo Credit David Ragusa Unsplash