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Wash Post Angry Conservatives Track Homosexual Pedo Priests

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate told supporters, "A Catholic lay group spent time and money to use data purchased from computer companies to track unfaithful priests who frequent bars, strip joints and other questionable establishments. The lay group then alerted Bishops in the Catholic church who the potential corrupt priests are based on the meta data. This is how God provides a way to keep undesirables away from boys and children, " said Delgaudio.

"PC Magazine, the Washington Post and dozens of major leftist publications are angry and concerned the Catholic Church may reduce the number of homosexual child molesters in the Church," says Delgaudio.

Leftist PC Mag online reports:

A conservative Catholic group in Colorado bought mobile app tracking data worth millions of dollars in order to identify gay priests across the US.

According to a Washington Post investigation(Opens in a new window), Denver-based Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal exclusively used commercially available information in its bid to track and locate gay priests. The data spans 2018 through 2021 and includes gay dating and hookup apps like Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, and Jack'd, as well as OkCupid. The Post found that most of the data appears to be from Grindr.

In its hunt for gay priests, Catholic Laity purchased data from ad brokers that showed the type of device, its location, the device ID, and the internet service provider being used along with other identifiers. The group then cross-referenced the legally purchased data with church residences that house priests.

As the (liberal Washington) Post notes, the group's aim is to explore ways technology can "empower the church to carry out its mission" by serving bishops "evidence-based resources" that they can use to check for weaknesses "in current formation practices and priestly life." Putting its mission into practice meant the group sent bishops intel they had gathered on gay priests.

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