Congress passes Parents Bill of Rights

House Republicans approved sweeping "Parents Bill of Rights" legislation on a 213-208 vote Friday morning, amid five GOP defections.
The legislation - H.R. 5 (118) - is the cornerstone of the GOP's education agenda and mirrors several policies that have been introduced or adopted in states across the country. It outlines what parents have the right to in their children's education, including access to teacher-parent meetings, school budget materials, curriculum and books, and the opportunity to testify before a school board.
The measure would require schools to publish their curricula publicly, mandate that parents be allowed to meet with their children's teachers and make schools give information to parents when violence occurs on school grounds.
It would also demand that parents receive a list of books and reading materials accessible at the school library and give parents a say when schools are crafting or updating their policies and procedures for student privacy, among other tenets.
Just Passed- Congress passes Parents Bill of Rights News Conference