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Governor DeSantis Responds to "Political" Disney Law Suit

Click Orlando reports:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday shrugged off Disney's lawsuit against him as politically motivated, and said that it was time for the iconic company to stop enjoying favorable treatment in his state.

Disney sued DeSantis on Wednesday over the Republican's appointment of a board of supervisors in its self-governed theme park district, alleging the governor waged a "targeted campaign of government retaliation" after the company opposed a law critics call, "Don't Say Gay."

The legal filing is the latest salvo in a more than year-old feud between Disney and DeSantis that has engulfed the governor in criticism as he prepares to launch an expected 2024 presidential bid.

"They're upset because they're having to live by the same rules as everybody else. They don't want to pay the same taxes as everybody else and they want to be able to control things without proper oversight," DeSantis said during a visit to Israel. "The days of putting one company on a pedestal with no accountability are over in the state of Florida."


"GIVING companies their own government, that is not what a free mark it all about," says Desantis