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Thank you LMNOP: Support For Transgenderism Is Cratering

The Federalist reports:

Support for gay marriage continues to climb steadily over time, according to Gallup survey data, while public support for transgenderism appears to be cratering.

A new Gallup poll out Monday reveals an overwhelming majority of Americans believe biological sex should define participation in athletic competition. Sixty-nine percent of the 1,011 adults surveyed between May 1-24 said athletes should only be allowed to compete on teams that match their birth gender, up from 62 percent just two years ago. Even 64 percent of participants who reported knowing a transgender person said sports leagues should be segregated based on sex.

Another 55 percent of Americans told Gallup that it is "morally wrong" for individuals to attempt a gender transition, up from 51 percent in 2021. While 7 in 10 Democrats thought otherwise, a majority of Democrats, 48 percent to 47 percent, still believe biological males should stay out of women's sports and vice versa.

The swing against sports participation contrary to one's biological sex was greatest among those who knew a person who identified as transgender. Sixty-four percent of survey respondents who know a transgender person oppose erasing gender in sports, marking a 9-point shift from 53 percent who said the same in 2021.