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Public Advocate Begins Senate Lobbying Campaign Challenging Miers

Washington, DC – Public Advocate of the United States, a conservative pro-family group based in Northern Virginia, announced today that it is beginning its lobbying campaign challenging the nomination of Harriet Miers in the Senate by sending a list of questions to all of the conservative members of the Judiciary Committee that the group wants asked of Miers.

The list, which can be viewed at the group's website, asks questions on a number of topics, such as her legal philosophy and her judicial temperament.

"Senators that want to be viewed as conservatives will be expected to take a long hard look at Ms. Miers before deciding to support her confirmation," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio. "This is not a stealth nominee, this is an invisible nominee, with no public track-record on important judicial issues and after the nominations of liberal judicial activists like Souter, Kennedy, O'Conner, Stevens, and even Earl Warren by Republican Presidents, trust alone is not enough. It is essential that we have a 100 percent proven judicial originalist on the Court, who will help role back the judicial activism of the past thirty-years."

Public Advocate was the first conservative organization to openly challenge the Miers nomination. The group is a national 501(c)4 pro-family organization that has over twenty-five thousand members nationwide.