Even Liberals Concede: Sleazy Liar Michael Cohen Implodes with Lies In Trump Trial

"Michael Cohen's testimony was the "sinking Titanic" of testimonies. It was the "Hindenburg of hearings". It was a nightmare for the prosecution".
"Michael Cohen completely fell apart upon cross-examination"
It all came down to a single phone call that Cohen said took place between him and Trump and that purportedly established that Trump directed Cohen to issue the payment to pay off Stormy Daniels. But phone records obtained by the defense proved that the call, as described by Cohen, did not happen.
Turley Tells Newsweek also: JURY BEING LIED TO
Jury members in Donald Trump's criminal hush money trial are being "treated like chumps," says legal analyst Jonathan Turley. He also believes star prosecution witness Michael Cohen suffered a "dramatic implosion" on Thursday.
Turley, who is a frequent Fox commentator and professor at George Washington University Law School, expresses extreme doubt in a blog that the prosecution has any basis for conviction and poses the question of whether the jury "is realizing that they are being played by the prosecution."
He also says: "With the dramatic implosion of Michael Cohen on the stand on Thursday with the exposure of another alleged lie told under oath, even hosts and commentators on CNN are now criticizing the prosecution and doubting the basis for any conviction." In an email statement to Newsweek, Turley clarifies, saying: "The Cohen testimony not only highlighted his long legacy of lies but continued claims of false statements in this very trial," adding that "Cohen left the government without a single credible witness to establish any criminal intent by Trump."