Christian champion fighting same-sex-marriage insanity now facing death threats

A prominent, nationally recognized legal team that has represented former Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis ever since she was attacked by LGBT radicals for following her biblical beliefs that marriage is between a man and a woman is reporting a new round of death threats against the Christian champion.
"Kim Davis and Liberty Counsel need your prayers for protection. Hateful LGBTQ adherents are back at it with death threats. Just one example reveals the evil in the hearts of those people: Kim's husband answered a phone call. The angry caller threatened he would tie up Kim's husband while he raped Kim. Then he would burn down the house with the two of them still inside," explained a report from Liberty Counsel.
The organization said the threats "have ramped up again after we filed our legal brief with the Court of Appeals. Kim's husband, Joe, has had to run trespassers off their property."
On appeal is a judgment that demands Davis pay a homosexual duo $100,000 for declining to issue any marriage certificates during a short period of unsettled practice immediately after the Supreme Court created, out of nothing linked to the Constitution, same-sex "marriage" for the entire nation. Even as that ruling was issued, no state laws banning that practice were changed.
Then pro-LGBT judge David Bunning added to the penalty, insisting that Davis pay a quarter of a million dollars in costs and fees.
Davis had responded to the Supreme Court's then-activism by withholding her signature from any marriage licenses while she sought an exemption based on her religious beliefs. That eventually arrived, as did a state law providing protection for her and other clerks.