Whistleblower Dr. Haim: DOJ Silencing Transgender Surgery Dissent

"It is illegal to perform these mutilations on children in Texas but the Justice Department is attempting to jail and imprison any medical personell who report the illegal operations to the Texas authorities," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
Dr. Eithan Haim, a Texas doctor who calls himself a whistleblower on transgender care for minors, told Newsmax Saturday that the Department of Justice is attempting to silence dissent over gender-transitioning surgeries.
Haim, who faces multiple counts of violations of the federal law restricting release of medical information, accused the DOJ of using intimidation tactics. He recounted an incident involving a Texas Children's Hospital nurse.
"They had gone to her home in July 2023 to interrogate her about a question they already knew the answer to because they were at my home in June," he said. "The intention is to intimidate people, to have people not speak up," Haim said on "America Right Now."
Haim is accused of illegally obtaining private information on patients who were not under his care from the nation's largest pediatric hospital.
Federal prosecutors said the 34-year-old surgeon took the information and shared it with an activist with "intent to cause malicious harm" to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.
Haim pleaded not guilty on June 17 in federal court to four counts of wrongfully obtaining individually identifiable health information.
"It was amazing to me that the day after the indictment, this other whistleblower who is absolutely courageous ... revealed that they were allegedly defrauding Medicaid by using fake diagnoses," he said. "Hundreds, if not over a thousand, people knew that this was happening."