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Public Advocate Continues to Lead the Way in Challenging Miers

Washington, DC – It has been another busy week for Public Advocate, the pro-family group based in Northern Virginia that was the first to come out against the Miers nomination. Over the past week, Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio has continued to build his case on why conservatives cannot blindly trust this nominee.

Delgaudio has been featured on National Journal's The Hotline, and has been interviewed by the Boston Globe and Sam Donaldson for ABC News. Since the nomination was first announced almost two weeks ago Delgaudio has been featured multiple times on the Fox News Channel, CNBC, radio talk shows across the country, and many other major media outlets.

Public Advocate's message on the Miers nomination is simple. Conservatives have been burned by every single Republican President since Eisenhower on nominations to the Supreme Court, so we can no longer simply "trust" that a nominee will be a good justice, there is just too much at stake. Public Advocate will continue to lead the charge, demanding that someone is nominated for this crucial seat on the Court who has already proven him or herself as a judicial originalist.

Public Advocate continues to ask all pro-family Americans to contact their Senators and ask that they demand to know for certain that this nominee will be an originalist before they vote to give her a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.