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Delgaudio to Hand Out 'Hugs for the Family'

Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio will pass out Hershey Hugs
and mock wedding invitations on Monday, September 27 at 11:15 AM on
Capitol Hill on the corner of Independence Ave and New Jersey Ave, SE
outside of the Cannon House Office Building in support of the Federal
Marriage Amendment and Opposed to the Kennedy Thought Control (or
so-called "Hate Crimes") Bill.

The mock wedding invitations and candy will be in bags labeled "Hugs
from the American Family" and will inform recipients of the importance
of FMA to the American Family as well as the possible consequences of
adopting the Kennedy Thought Control Bill.

House members are expected to ensure that the Thought Control Bill dies
in the Defense Appropriations Conference Committee and the FMA is
expected to go to the House floor for a vote sometime during the week of
September 27.

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American Family for over 25
years, and is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4.
Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.