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Public Advocate Urges Americans to Make a Stand for Christmas

Public Advocate is encouraging all pro-family Americans to help defend Christmas from politically correct forces who continually attack the sacred holiday. The pro-family group gained national attention last year by standing up to the ACLU and singing Christmas Carols outside of their Washington, DC headquarters.

Now Public Advocate is encouraging its members to take the battle to save Christmas to the streets and stores across America.

"The spirit of Christmas must be used to defeat the spirit of political correctness," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio. "Whether it is greeting all retail employees with Merry Christmas, rather than Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings, or standing up to businesses who refuse to recognize the meaning of Christmas, if every pro-Christmas American took a stand, businesses would be forced to re-recognize our sacred holiday.

"Likewise, the bullying tactics by groups like the ACLU must be stopped. The 1st Amendment was never meant to stop school children from passing out Christmas candy and messages. The founders would be appalled to know that parents and school districts that wanted to use Christmas break instead of Winter break were being threatened with lawsuits.

"Too often one bogus demand letter from the ACLU strikes terror in the hearts of school administrators and other bureaucrats and they cave to their ridiculous demands. Now they need to be pressured by pro-Christmas Americans to fight these bullies. It is time to make a stand for religious freedom and against forced political correctness.

The group is excited about recent developments in the fight for Christmas, such as Walgreens' recent announcement that next year's Christmas advertising campaign would actually focus on Christmas and Lowe's decision to sell "Christmas Trees" rather than "Holiday Trees."

"These may seem like small victories on their face, but it shows that we really are starting to turn the tide in the 'Battle for Christmas,'" continued Delgaudio.

Public Advocate has been fighting against political correctness and for the American family for over twenty-five years. Donations are not tax deductible.