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Public Advocate is happy to declare a victory for the American Family after Tuesday's election! Candidates with pro-family messages proved victorious over candidates supported by the radical homosexual lobby. Nationally voters in many states voted overwhelmingly for initiatives that limited marriage to a union between one man and one woman.

Candidates in these states who supported these measures where often elected on the initiatives coattails. One such proposition was on the ballot in Ohio, and was largely responsible for President Bush's victory in that state, which secured him the presidency.

"While there is much to be happy about, we must remain vigilant" said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio. "We must constantly remind our elected officials of their promises to support the American family and they will be expected to follow through and enact pro-family measures like the Family Marriage Amendment and oppose measures like the Kennedy Thought Control (or so-called "Hate Crimes") Bill."

One early congressional test will be the Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is considering appointing Arlen Specter to the Chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee. Specter has had, at best, a mixed record on family issues and has recently stated that he may opposed pro-family judicial nominees. Specter has also supported the Thought Control Bill.

"Senate Republicans should think twice before allowing Senator Specter to take the reigns of the Judiciary Committee," stated Delgaudio. "The American people did not go to the polls and elect pro-family Senators in order to allow a renegade to stall pro-family legislation and appointments in committee while forcing through anti-family legislation. If Leader Frist remains intent on this appointment, he should know that conservatives will hold him personally responsible for any of Specter's action or inactions."

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American Family for over 25 years, and is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4. Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.