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Delgaudio to Deliver Petitions and Announce Grassroots Campaign Supporting Traditional Marriage on Wednesday

Washington, DC – Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate of the U.S., will hold a press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 11:15 AM supporting the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Public Advocate Press Conference Supporting FMA

When: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 11:15 AM

Where: In front of the Russell Senate Office Building at the corner of Constitution Avenue and Delaware Ave, NE.

Who: Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate, a national group with over 50,000 members that supports traditional marriage and the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Why: Public Advocate, a nationwide pro-family organization, will announce that it is delivering thousands of petitions to every Senator. Delgaudio will also announce the group's Fall grassroots campaign to hold all Senators, in both parties, accountable to their constituents for their June 5th votes on this vital issue.

Delgaudio will stand in-front of boxes of petitions as he gives a brief statement following which he will be available to the media for questions.

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American family for over 25 years. It is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4. Contributions for gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible.