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Conservative Group Calls for Ehrlich�s Resignation

"It is a disgrace that anyone would be fired for stating their religious beliefs in a public forum not connected with their job capacity. But that is exactly what Governor Ehrlich did last week when he fired Metro board member Robert J. Smith.

"This is sure to have a chilling effect on freedom of speech rights of Maryland government officials, all of whom have been put on notice that if they state their personally held religious beliefs in public they can be expect to pay for it with their jobs. What's next? Are these public officials going to have to check with the Governor to see if their church is politically correct enough?

"But where is the ACLU? Where is George Clooney complaining about the modern day McCarthyism against Christians? The hypocrisy is astounding. The main stream media and liberal left are obviously only concerned about the First Amendment when it is liberal speech and expression that is on the line, and Governor Ehrlich has surrendered to the powers of politically correct extremism.

"The Governor should be ashamed of himself and should immediately resign. The pro-family citizens of Maryland should not have to be represented by an anti-Christian bigot."