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Another Victory For Marriage!

The Washington Supreme Court narrowly rejected judicial activism and instead upheld traditional marriage by ruling that same-sex couples do not have the right to marry. The 5-4 decision dealt a heavy blow to the radical homosexual lobby's efforts to force gay marriage on the citizens of Washington.

"While all pro-family Americans and opponents of judicial activism should be thrilled with the decision of the Washington Supreme Court, we cannot be content," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio. "The court rejected the attempt to legislate the agenda of the radical homosexual lobby from the bench by only one vote in this 5-4 decision. Once again we are shown the importance of having fair judges on the bench, who will restrain themselves from undemocratically forcing the agenda of the gay lobby on American families.

"This also shows how important it is for voters to demand the legal protection of traditional marriage in the constitutions of all fifty states and in the U.S. Constitution. We cannot wait for more radical judges to strike the first blow."

Public Advocate has been fighting for marriage for over twenty-five years. Donations are not tax-deductible.