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Public Advocate Volunteers Sing Carols to ACLU

Washington, DC -- Not dissuaded from "bah, humbugs" to groups like the Boy Scouts of America and pro-family Americans in general, over twenty-five volunteers with Public Advocate of the United States sang traditional religious Christmas carols in front of the Washington, DC office of the American Civil Liberties Union today.

The event highlighted the ACLU's continuing disregard for the rights of their many pro-family targets, including the rights of young men in the Boy Scouts of America to maintain their morally straight principles. Recently they have even been putting pressure on the Pentagon to get Scout troops kicked off of military bases.

By singing Christmas Carols in front of the ACLU Public Advocate brought attention to these serious issues in a light and festive manner true to the Christmas season.

"Public Advocate hopes that the spirit of the Christmas season will fill the members and employees of the ACLU and that they will embrace the morals and principles of groups like the Boy Scouts and renounce their efforts to destroy traditional values in America," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio at the event. "It is exciting to see all these people singing Christmas Carols, including the ACLU staff members that have joined us today. Regardless of our differences, we are all proud to be Americans this Christmas, and may God bless those that are currently in harms way to bravely protect our freedoms. We must remember that the Boy Scout troops in danger of being kicked-off these military bases are made up of the sons of those brave soldiers, sailors, and marines."

Public Advocate has been fighting for the American family for over 25 years, and is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)4. Contributions for gifts to Public Advocate are not tax-deductible. For more information please contact Jesse R. Binnall at 703-582-7924.