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$1B In Mock 'Junk Bonds' Delivered to Senators

Washington, DC -- Eugene Delgaudio, Executive Director of Public Advocate, a pro-family organization based out of Northern Virginia, delivered $100 Billion in mock junk bonds to Senators on Capitol Hill today. The deliveries symbolized the dangers to businesses that are posed by the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which will force business to hire homosexual applicants, even if they have moral and religious objections to such lifestyles.

The delivers of mock junk bonds, which began at Senator Kennedy's office and included such other senators as Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Carl Levin, and Patrick Leahy, serve as an example of the risk that this legislation poses to the economy, at a time when so many Americans are already suffering. The threat will be a result of the increased litigation and regulation that is sure to result against businesses if the bill, sponsored by liberal Senator Ted Kennedy, is signed into law.

"This legislation isn't just dangerous to American families, it is a threat to our economic security," stated Public Advocated Executive Director Eugene Delgaudio. "The only people it would help are the extremists in the homosexual lobby and the trial lawyers. They are licking their chops waiting at the courthouse door so they can attack American business and morality. To achieve full employment at the highest salary possible for each and every declared homosexual in the nation could cost American businesses over $100 billion."

Kennedy's Bill, S. 1284, recently passed out of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and has been cosponsored by 43 other liberal Senators including Tom Daschle, Barbara Boxer, Hilary Clinton, Jim Jeffords, Arlen Specter, and Paul Wellstone.

For more information contact Jesse Binnall at 703/582-7924 or 703/845-1880 or by email at [email protected].