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Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the United States, urged law enforcement officials to thoroughly investigate the Friday night arson of the Wasilla Bible Church, in which the entrance of the church was set ablaze with a group of women and children inside.

"We do not know if this arson and attempted murder was perpetrated by advocates of homosexual marriage, but the church has been the target of verbal attacks by the homosexual lobby and their apologists in the major media and this attack follows countless other recent attacks by homosexuals against Christians," said Delgaudio.

The arsonist or arsonists set fire to the entrance of the church while a small group of women and children worked inside on crafts. The women and children were able to escape the blaze without injury. Damage to the church was estimated at $1 million.

In a letter to authorities in Alaska, Delgaudio also encouraged prosecutors not to seek hate crimes charges, if the arsonist or arsonists were motivated by hatred of Christians. "Whomever set the fire, for whatever reason, should receive the toughest and longest sentence possible for arson and attempted murder under Alaskan law," said Delgaudio, "But we do not condone the politicalization of crime in any case, including this one."

The church, attended by Alaskan governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, was the target of criticism by homosexual advocacy groups and their apologists in the media for hosting a Love Won Out conference to "help men and women dissatisfied with living homosexually understand that same-sex attractions can be overcome."

The attack on the church comes amid a wave of violence against Christians by homosexuals after California voters approved a ballot measure preserving marriage as union of a man and a woman.

Public Advocate is chronicling videotaped attacks of Christians by homosexuals, such as one incident in which a mob of anti-traditional marriage protestors assaulted an elderly women during a live newscast. The mob drowned out the newscast with screaming, knocked a cross out of the elderly woman's hands and stomped on it.