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Supporters of Marriage Rally At Inauguration

Twenty-five volunteers with a conservative pro-traditional marriage group Public Advocate of the U.S. will hand out 100,000 political buttons at the Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday, January 20 from 10 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

The group will also interview citizens on their support of marriage using small video cameras with special Inaugural day messages to President Obama to support traditional marriage.

"This effort will seek to demonstrate through as wide a sample as possible the widespread support in all fifty states of the federal marriage amendment. Our sampling will include contacts with inaugural attendents, interviews and people who will wear a button, sticker or t-shirt, " said Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

The buttons have the message "Preserve Traditional Marriage" and commemorate Inauguration Day with the American flag in the background. Artwork is located on the homepage at

The group has been granted a permit by U.S Capitol Police to be near Union Station in the designated public demonstration area Block E-681 bounded by Massachusetts Avenue,N.E. , D Street, N.E. and Lousiana Avenue,N.E. in Washington, D.C.

The group will congregate near the corner of Louisiana Avenue, N.E. and D Street, N.E.
From 10 A.M to 12 noon.

"President Barack Obama says he supports traditional marriage but is catering to anti-marriage forces by appointing known-gay rights advocate Eric Holder as Attorney General and by announcing his intent to reverse the ban on open homosexuals in the military. To balance his anti-marriage actions, Public Advocate will demonstrate public support for the marriage protection amendment in Congress on his first dayand frequently during his term -- as President, " said Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate.

Who: Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc.
What: Pro-Marriage Campaign Distributes Buttons, Stickers and T Shirts.
Where: Near Union Station at intersection of Louisiana Avenue NE and D. Street NE in Washington
Why: To show support for traditional marriage
When: Tuesday January 20, 2009 10 a.m. to 12 noon