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Mark Levin �The Great One� Book Signing

Mark Levin "The Great One" Book Signing

"The Great One", Mark Levin will be signing copies of his new book "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" on Saturday the March, 28th and a supportive mob is expected to attend. Eugene Delgaudio will be there and he is asking Public Advocate backers to join him in showing support for this great American.

Public Advocate will reimburse the first 10 volunteers up to 25$ for gas. All you have to do is write on the Public Advocate Facebook wall, "I'm in!" and then send us two receipts, one for gas and one showing the purchase of Mark Levin's new book "Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto." The first ten to write this and send in their receipts will be sent a check. If one of the ten does not show up, the next in line who send in receipts will be reimbursed.

This event will take place on 2nd Floor of Barnes & Noble in Tysons Corner.

Tysons Corner Center
7851 L. Tysons Corner Center
McLean, VA 22102

To view a map of the location click here

To participate in this book signing, you must have a wristband. Wristband distribution will begin at 9am on the 2nd Floor entrance of Barnes & Noble the day of the event (Absolutely no wristbands will be distributed prior to 9am). Limit one wristband per person, customers must be present to receive a wristband but the wristbands do not guarantee entry to this event. The event may end at any time without notice to participants.

Everyone is invited to attend the book discussion at 11am, followed immediately by autograph signings. A limit of five (5) books per participant. You must be present to have your copies signed. Personalization of any other memorabilia will not be permitted. Photography with the author will not be permitted.

For more information visit the Tyson Corner Center website here or the WMAL website here.