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Perez Hilton -- Lowlife on Parade

Attacking Miss California over her support of Traditional marriage. Stalking her and then cursing her over and over again in repeated interviews. If your intent is to provoke a national outrage over your treatment of a woman professing religious values over your perversion, you got it.

You make the case for traditional marriage stronger by being so low and throwing such tantrums over a Godly woman defending her faith.

You attack a woman and then protest when she simply stands up to you in a mild manner. Her simple and steadfast embrace of faith over celebrity enrages you.

Miss California won hands down and the "crown" she gets is brighter than the sun.

Those at the front lines  who value, the real principles of virtue, morality and marriage between a man and a woman as the standard must be prepared to  be mocked, ridiculed and humiliated with names.

The "controversy" is not Miss California. It is the frenzy to attack a moral person by the mass media.

By the way, "Perez",  Miss California has truly kicked your butt and we all know it.

And after she kicked your butt big time, she's even got the grace to pray for you, too. And now America has a new national hero and it's not you.


Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc.