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Obama's Justice Department To Attack Marriage Law

Obama's Justice Department To Attack Marriage Protection Law

President Barrack Obama's Justice Department seems intent on reversing the will of the Congress and current law in aiding and abetting the overturning of the current, in force, Defense of Marriage Act.

According the Boston Globe,Massachusetts, the first state to legalize gay marriage, has become the first to challenge the constitutionality of a federal law that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman, contending that Congress intruded into a matter that should be left to states.

Charles Miller, a spokesman for the Justice Department, which defends the government in litigation, issued a two-sentence statement yesterday saying President Obama "supports legislative repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act because it prevents LGBT (READ LESBIAN, GAY, BI-SEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER)  couples from being granted equal rights and benefits. We will review this case.’’

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