Nashville: PA Opposes Homosexual Recruitment Act
PA Representatives testify and release a statement against local Nashville, TN ordinances adding sexual orientation to civil rights calling it “The “Nashville Homosexual recruitment Act”
Copy of Statement: PA Opposes Nashville's Homosexual Recruitment Bill
(To members of the press and elected Nashville leaders as they deliberated at a public meeting): Public Advocate opposes Nashville, Tenn. Mayor Karl Dean's effors to sneak through the "Homosexual Recruitment Bill" which we believe would eliminate equal protection of the law for government workers and allow homosexuals to recruit openly in the government workplace.
Many have noted that the pending Homosexual Recruitment Bill was already introduced several years ago when special rights activists attempted to enforce homosexual recruitment in both government and private Nashville companies but failed. Yet again, the new homosexual recruitment bill is aimed at sneaking through more special rights and thought-control against the will of the majority of Nashville workers for both government and private companies.
Nashville is critical for the success of special rights and thought-control advocates who want incrementally to force all Americans to accept open homosexual recruitment in the workplace.
Copy of Bill here