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Public Advocate Vs. Obama, Signs Posted, Holds News Conference

Public Advocate volunteers posted signs protesting the visit of President Barack Obama on Monday afternoon including Wakefield High School in Arlington, Va. where the president will be Tuesday at noon to make an address directed to the nation's young people.

Signs that stated "Mr. President, Stay Away From Our Kids" were posted along Leesburg Pike, Route 50 Arlington Boulevard, and several area schools in Northern Virginia. Photos showing the signs posted at some of the hundreds of locations are posted here.

Two TV News Teams responded to counter protesters who objected to volunteers placing the signs on school property and authorities were called on the scene by school personell.

In interviews to reporters on the scene, PA president Eugene Delgaudio stated the groups purpose in placing signs:

"We speak this afternoon on behalf of citizens and children who can not speak out against the President's plans by coming here the location where the president is speaking.

We speak against the violation of federal law in using a federal agency to promote an agenda by instructing young children how to write letters to themselves about supporting the president's policies. And the president and his allies have bullied America's schools to indoctrinate the children.

Speaking to students is not the issue. Speaking to all the students under threat of losing federal funds and asking students to write letters to themselves all on the first day of school or the beginning of school is just too much."

"We post these signs asking the President to not use this occassion and concentrate on his address to Congress instead., said Eugene Delgaudio."

Video: Report On PA At Obama Speech

September 9, 2009

20 PHOTOS "Stay Away Obama" Signs Posted All over Arlington and Fairfax

Photo Of Signs at Wakefield HS, site of President's Address

Photo of Signs at Wakefield HS, front