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Maine Defeats Homosexual Marriage 53-47%

Pro-Gay Forces Had Wall to Wall News Media Support and BIG MONEY ADVANTAGE

It was a liberal state, the homosexual lobby had wall to wall media support worth millions of dollars and had twice as much money than the pro-marriage forces.

But the pro-marriage forces prevailed anyway.

According to one report, the campaign to keep Maine's same-sex marriage law on the books had raised more than double the amount of the group trying to repeal the law, according to finance reports released Tuesday October 14, 2009.

Supporters of gay marriage have amassed a $2.7 million campaign war chest so far in a political race that is attracting hefty donations to both sides from organizations and activists from around the country. The anti-gay marriage group Stand for Marriage Maine had raised approximately $1.1 million as of Sept. 30, according to the report.

The Wall Street Journal newspaper says "Rolling back the law is a setback for gay-rights advocates and makes Maine the third state in which residents reversed their government's decision to permit gay marriages, after California and Hawaii."

For more information on the referendum

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