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Pro-Family Movement Gaining Momentum

New York Lacks Votes to Pass Homosexual Marriage

The effect of the marriage vote in Maine and the elections in VA and NJ is evident already as the Homosexual Lobby has suddenly found they lack the votes to pass homosexual "marriage" in New York.

Pro-family forces around the nation united to preserve traditional marriage in Maine and win gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey.

Now, the Homosexual Lobby is finding that Politicians who were once in their grasp are now slipping through.

But the battle is far from over in New York. Complacency among pro-family Americans will quickly lead to the passage of the Homosexual Agenda.

Your Congressmen need to hear from you often and be reminded that the pro-family movement is strong.

So please take a moment to call your Senators and Representative and remind them that you support traditional marriage and family.

If you need to look up the number of your Congressmen, please click here.

Gay Bill of Special Rights Pushed Back

Congress is temporarily backing away from the Homosexual Agenda after the backlash they received from pro-family Americans for passing Thought Control.

It has just been revealed that Barney Frank (D-MA) may be putting the Gay Bill of Special Rights on the backburner after his allies in the House expressed worry over recent election results.

But this could change at a moment's notice after Frank's Homosexual Allies redouble their threats.

Public Advocate has been generating massive opposition to the Gay Bill of Special Rights and while this may appear to be a small victory, it actually gives the Homosexual Lobby time to gather their forces after the Thought Control victory.

It is crucial Public Advocate supporters and pro-family Americans continue to urge their Senators and Representatives to stand with the family and defeat the Gay Bill of Special Rights.

New Jersey Looking to Pass Homosexual Marriage in Lame Duck Session

Reports have indicated the Homosexual Lobby is gearing up for a massive push to quickly pass homosexual "marriage" in New Jersey during Jon Corzine's lame duck session.

They consider this their last opportunity to pass homosexual "marriage" for the next four years, as professed pro-family Governor-elect Chris Christie will take office in two months.

It remains to be seen how strong of a stance Chris Christie will take on marriage, but the Homosexual Lobby is not taking any chances and acting now.

There may not appear to be enough votes to pass the Homosexual Marriage bill in both houses of the legislature, but the Homosexual Lobby is known for their underhanded tactics.

Public Advocate and its supporters must remain alert and vigilant.

Public Advocate Busy on Numerous Fronts

With so many battles to be fought across the nation, Public Advocate is stretched thin financially.

And with many more battles just over the horizon, it appears Public Advocate may not be able to fight all of the Homosexual Lobby's attacks.

To make a safe and secure donation to Public Advocate, please click here.

Public Advocate is counting on your support to stop the Homosexual Agenda.