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Barney Frank Fruitcake For Sale

There's no way to explain it. The openly homosexual leader of Congress has a homosexual boyfriend who is arrested for drug possession but there's no charges against the man who knows all.

Congress condemned Frank the last time a different "roommate" (Steve Gobie) got in trouble. This Congress probably sent requests for more dope. (sic)

Well that's why Public Advocate is offering this fruitcake for sale.

Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio is delivering Barney Frank Fruitcakes to area holiday parties during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season along with other charitible activities.

"We accept Speaker Pelosi and the current liberal domination but when lawlessness is rampant we must oppose it, and this Fruitcake distribution represents our marking of another season of protesting a sorrowful spirit of immorality in Washington," says Delgaudio.

Barney Frank Fruitcake is an authentic fruitcake with a color photograph of Barney Frank in the tradition of the "Barney Frank House-sitting Squad" in 1990 sponsored by Public Advocate and Rush Limbaugh's "Dancing Queen" youtube video.

No other gift will explain our current moral corruption in Washington. Senator Mary Landrieu who openly embraces public prostitution in the form of $300 million bribe can't hold up to the a frequent parade of disgrace exhibited by Congressman Frank of Massachuesetts.

So, for a $50 donation to Public Advocate, we will send you free a Barney Frank Fruitcake in a decorator tin. This offer expires on December 22, 2009. Please write in the memo portion of the online donation, "send me a Public Advocate Barney Frank Fruitcake".

Online Donation here:

U.S. Postal mail must be received by December 22 for same day shipping at this office address: "Public Advocate Barney Frank Fruitcake" c/o Public Advocate 5613 Leesburg Pike, No. 17 Falls Church Virginia 22041.

There will be no alcohol in the fruitcake. The fruitcake is produced by an American company. A special certificate is issued by Public Advocate, Office of the President. May be combined with PA's traditional marriage gift offer as a bonus gift package. Allow 2 weeks for shipping from the date we get the order. Online or mail orders only.